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Of 13

Lungo la strada e nel corso di tre album e numerosi EP, gli HOUR OF 13 hanno costruito una discografia formidabile che ha accumulato un seguito fanatico in attesa di ogni pubblicazione inquietante e cupa di Davis e il suo cast.
E mentre hanno pubblicato dischi per una varietà di etichette nel corso degli anni, dopo un paio di rotture, Davis riporta HOUR OF 13 a casa della Shadow Kingdom, la quale ha pubblicato l’omonimo album di debutto della band nel 2007 molto prima che iniziasse che la band diventasse famosa.
01/06/2021 04:20 - tre album e numerosi EP, gli HOUR OF 13 hanno costruito una discografia formidabile che ha ·
20/02/2019 23:08 - % similar, 88% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
27/10/2019 13:02 - % similar, 12% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
16/11/2019 18:02 - similar, 24% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 24%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
15/12/2019 10:01 - % similar, 5% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
01/08/2020 10:09 - is no stranger to the world of modeling, having started her career at the age of 13.
23/05/2024 10:19 - Se siete alla ricerca di un bel titolo da recuperare per la vostra PS4 o per la vostra PS5, e volete puntare ad un acquisto di spessore, pur spendendo una cifra contenuta, se non proprio ridicola, allora vi suggeriremmo di non lasciarvi scappare questa offerta Amazon, grazie alla quale potrete portarvi a casa a soli 13,06?
18/07/2019 11:05 - Nonostante Arena of Valor supporti effettivamente il frame rate più alto, abbiamo raggiunto nelle nostre misure un valore di "solo" 60 fps.
26/06/2021 13:16 - (Rafchild Records) Se amate la musica di bands quali Hour of 13, Lord Vicar, Witchfinder General o Pentagram, é inutile girarci attorno… gli ·
10/04/2019 20:02 - % similar, 6% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
11/11/2019 11:06 - % similar, 73% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 24%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
02/12/2019 13:01 - % similar, 10% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
22/12/2019 12:02 - % similar, 9% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
01/06/2021 04:20 - Ormai, gli HOUR OF 13 dovrebbero richiedere poche presentazioni.
20/02/2019 23:08 - 6% lower than median (±) | linearity of bass is average (10.
27/10/2019 13:02 - 3% lower than median (±) | linearity of bass is average (12.
18/07/2019 11:05 - % similar, 69% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
27/10/2019 13:02 - % similar, 83% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
16/11/2019 18:02 - % similar, 61% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 24%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
02/12/2019 13:01 - % similar, 14% worse » The best had a delta of 13%, average was 25%, worst was 44% Compared to all ·
11/05/2020 19:02 - Quest'anno, 13 Reasons Why si conclude e la piattaforma di streaming ·
29/05/2024 06:17 - tensione sui titoli di stato, rendimenti 10 year a record in 13 anni con svolta Bank of Japan.
10/04/2019 20:02 - 9% higher than median (±) | linearity of mids is average (10.

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