Si tratta della sigla Make & Play 3D con la quale la casa di Seoul punta a dare un nome ad una funzionalità in grado di sfruttare la presenza di un sensore ToF all'interno di uno smartphone.
Insomma, una descrizione abbastanza vaga, che non ci aiuta neanche a capire se Make & Play 3D verrà presentata come app a sé stante o se si tratterà di una funzione integrata sui prossimi smartphone dotati dell'hardware necessario al suo funzionamento.
02/07/2019 11:02 - Samsung ha brevettato il marchio DepthVision Lens presso l'ufficio per la proprietà intellettuale del Regno Unito.
03/01/2019 05:05 - An easy-going, relaxed play experience.
17/01/2019 21:08 - Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that allows you to play 3D games without special glasses, experience augmented reality, play online, take 3D pictures and swap Mii characters.
22/02/2019 14:13 - An easy-going, relaxed play experience.
03/07/2019 03:02 - Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that allows you to play 3D games without special glasses, experience augmented reality, play online, take 3D pictures and swap Mii characters.
17/07/2019 19:01 - Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that allows you to play 3D games without special glasses, experience augmented reality, play online, take 3D pictures and swap Mii characters.
28/09/2019 20:03 - Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that allows you to play 3D games without special glasses, experience augmented reality, play online, take 3D pictures and swap Mii characters.
16/06/2021 09:15 - progetto inizialmente fallito su Kickstarter ma che, dopo anni di lavori tutt'ora in corso, sembra avvicinarsi finalmente a qualcosa di concreto e soprattutto che sia capace di rievocare la magia del gioco originale.
03/01/2019 05:05 - An easy-going, relaxed play experience.
03/01/2019 05:05 - Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that allows you to play 3D games without special glasses, experience augmented reality, play online, take 3D pictures and swap Mii characters.
01/02/2019 07:02 - Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that allows you to play 3D games without special glasses, experience augmented reality, play online, take 3D pictures and swap Mii characters.
22/02/2019 14:13 - Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that allows you to play 3D games without special glasses, experience augmented reality, play online, take 3D pictures and swap Mii characters.
03/07/2019 03:02 - An easy-going, relaxed play experience.
28/09/2019 20:03 - An easy-going, relaxed play experience.
01/11/2019 12:02 - Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that allows you to play 3D games without special glasses, experience augmented reality, play online, take 3D pictures and swap Mii characters.
02/05/2024 15:19 - E sappiamo che l'app é un'esclusiva dei dispositivi di Samsung.
03/01/2019 05:05 - An easy-going, relaxed play experience.
17/01/2019 21:08 - An easy-going, relaxed play experience.
01/02/2019 07:02 - An easy-going, relaxed play experience.
07/03/2019 12:02 - Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that allows you to play 3D games without special glasses, experience augmented reality, play online, take 3D pictures and swap Mii characters.
03/07/2019 03:02 - Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system that allows you to play 3D games without special glasses, experience augmented reality, play online, take 3D pictures and swap Mii characters.
28/09/2019 20:03 - Colossal Carrot Crusade (Wii U)Aqua Moto Racing 3D (Nintendo 3DS)Blasting Agent:
01/11/2019 12:02 - An easy-going, relaxed play experience.

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